“Whenever we touch nature we get clean. People who have got dirty through too much civilization take a walk in the woods, or a bath in the sea. Entering the unconscious, entering yourself through dreams, is touching nature from the inside and this is the same thing, things are put right again.”
Join us for a transformative weekend retreat at Rare Bird Farm, where we'll delve into the power of dreams from a Jungian perspective. Led by Farrah Hoffmire, a Certified Dreamwork Professional with a lifelong passion for dream practices, this immersive experience will take us on a journey of self-understanding and growth.
Camping out under the stars or cozying up in our bunkhouse, we'll get in touch with our wild nature and unlock the mysteries of our unconscious. With daily dream interpretation exercises, dream recall practices, herbal tea ceremonies, guided body and breath movements, and deep nature immersion, we'll connect with the symbolic language of our dreams.
This weekend retreat is designed to empower participants in following their dreams, both literally and figuratively. We'll also enjoy creative activities like crafting hand-stitched mugwort pillows and making dream catchers, while gathering around the fire for shared experiences that encourage dreaming and dream recall. Join us for a soul-enriching adventure, where we'll "put things right again" and embrace the transformative potential of our dreams.
MUST BRING YOUR OWN: Tent, sleeping bag, OR rent a bunkbed in our shared bunkhouse (linens provided), refillable water bottle, notebook and pen, snacks, we will provide meals and fresh tea and water.