Join us to view a documentary of Katherine's journey to grow her own burial shroud from flax seed and reconnect her mortality within nature's cycles. She will speak to how it has inspired a necessary community movement to reclaim rituals of home-based death and grief care that strengthen our bonds to each other and the earth.
The filmmaker, Charly Louise of Venus Rising Media, will join us for discussion and questions.
Katherine Savage, a death midwife whose work centers on reconnecting people with the natural cycles of life, death, and regeneration. With deep reverence and skill, Katherine guides individuals and communities in embracing death as a teacher—offering rituals and practices that honor both the dying and the earth that will receive them.
The evening will end with a guided song circle, an immersive experience in shared voice and reflection. Through song, we will explore grief, reverence, and renewal, attuning ourselves to the wisdom that death offers and the harmony it restores.
This gathering is an invitation to sit with mortality, not in fear, but in curiosity, connection, and song—planting the seeds for a culture that honors the full cycle of existence.